Local authority waiting list Outsourcing...

Given the current demands on Local Authority Occupational Therapy (OT) services to meet Key Performance Indicators within an ever tightening budget, many services are looking at options to enable them to meet some of these demands. In-house services are often stretched beyond capacity.

We believe that working with Inclusion could help you save over a third of your budget, with a much higher throughput from our highly skilled OT or OTA caseworkers and with no additional waste costs passed on to your department.

Our recent client list includes numerous local authority OT departments spread throughout London and the southeast, most recently Thurrock, Haringey, Enfield, The City Of London, KCC, Hammersmith & Fulham, Royal Borough Of Kensington & Chelsea and Hillingdon Social Services as well as various home improvement agencies.

Housing, manual handling, equipment and adaptations for all age groups are our specialisms and a core area of our work. They are the basis upon which our growing reputation as a multi award winning OT public sector service provider has been built and the reason why one of our local authority client's recently described us as:

"The Rolls Royce OT Service"